Check out this great video about Dyslexia and education.
In California's Central Valley, Maverick is the only school for Students specifically with Dyslexia and non-traditional learners (Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADD, ADHD, ASD, Aspergers, OCD, ODD, etc.). It is a co-educational setting for student 4 years old and up. Founded in 2013, Maverick strives to inspire students to achieve academic excellence, develop social responsibility, explore both university and trade-school skills, and grow lifelong friendships. Based on skills rather than grade levels, Maverick instructs to the highest skill level assigning work to the individual student according to his/her skill set.
Our method is to instruct to the highest level and to assign work according to the skill level of those within the seminar. We do not follow "Common Core", however, teach "to the standards” required for completion within each seminar we offer. We use a variety of literature and web-based sites which are age appropriate and have been researched by our Instructors.
In addition to the posted classes, each Student receives two individual one-on-one sessions per week in the Barton Reading and Spelling System, an Orton-Gillingham based curriculum for a portion of our Language Arts. This curriculum is used with fidelity by Maverick Certified Dyslexia Specialists trained in the Barton Reading & Spelling System, the English Phonological Awareness System, Handwriting Without Tears, Institute for Excellence in Writing and Mind-Mapping as part of our educational services specifically for those with Dyslexia.
As part of the educational service, Maverick Students prove mastery of any and all of our subjects offered through oral presentations and project-based learning. Students are part of our Computer Application courses to work on and prepare the presentations for the other courses offered. This course includes instruction in Google Applications. Additionally, Mavericks have a Public Speaking class which allows them to practice and learn solid, life-long useful group and solo presentation skills.
The students attending Maverick are typically challenged by reading large amounts of technical text for information. Mavericks will have access to audio book shelves, as well as other resources for gaining access to the information necessary to complete course work.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our academic goals and improve educational experiences. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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